Heated Windshield Wipers

Pros and Cons of Heated Windshield Wipers

219 ViewsHeated windshield wipers are a modern innovation designed to make driving safer and more convenient in harsh weather conditions. By incorporating heating elements into the wiper blades, these devices prevent snow, ice, and frost buildup, ensuring a clear view during cold weather. While the technology has clear advantages, it also has limitations. Let’s explore…

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Windshield Replacement Free

Is Windshield Replacement Free in Florida?

938 ViewsFlorida Statute 627.7288 is a significant benefit to drivers in Florida. It allows those with comprehensive insurance coverage the opportunity to replace their cracked or damaged windshield for free. Additionally, drivers who combine additional coverage are also eligible for free windshield repairs. Many drivers only learn about this Florida law when their insurance company…

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