Changing Your Transmission Oil The Easy Way – Tips and Instructions

Transmission Oil

Oil change is necessary, but expensive. For most vehicles, however, it is not mandatory to go to a specialist workshop to do this. With a bit of technical skill, you can change your transmission fluid on your own, and, as a result, save a little money. Here we explain how to change your transmission oil on your own, and what you absolutely have to pay attention to.

Why do you absolutely have to change the transmission oil?

change your transmission oil yourself Transmission oil is an important lubricant in every vehicle, to prevent the chassis or transmission system from chafing . In the engine compartment there are metal components that heat up and come into contact with each other. Without lubricants such as oil, wear can quickly occur, and problems can occur, such as damage to the transmission. Thanks to transmission oil, unwanted friction is avoided and the life of your vehicle is extended.

Unfortunately, transmission oil loses effectiveness over time. Due to dirt and dust, it can lose quality and usefulness during engine combustion. In addition, there is a considerable loss of engine oil . This rarely shows up on the dashboard, but you should keep an eye on it too.

Change the oil or refill it?

change your automatic gearbox oilTransmission oil is changed less often than engine oil. Engine oil should be changed every one or two years, while transmission oil should only be changed once in the life of the vehicle . Contrary to popular belief, this does not only apply to cars with a classic gear change. Even if you own a car with an automatic system, you should change the gearbox oil every few years.

A refilling of the oil already present can make sense, in the event of a large loss of oil. An inspection by an experienced specialist in a garage will let you know if this is your case. While driving, you may also spot signs that your gearbox does not have enough oil and needs to be topped up. For example, if you hear loud, unusual noises when changing gears, it means that the metal components of the gearbox are rubbing against each other and the transmission oil is no longer fulfilling its role as a lubricant. optimal, so that there is not enough oil, or that it is too old.

Which oil to choose?

refill transmission oilFor lubricating oil, the criteria are not the same as for engine oil. Under no circumstances may you use 5W-30 type engine oil for your vehicle. GL-3 or GL-5 designations are dominant. Choosing the wrong transmission oil can cause damage. Thus, we recommend that you inform yourself about the oil to use before purchasing.

Economically priced engine oilIn particular, it is not recommended to choose a number lower than 5 for vehicles requiring GL-5 oil, since this will increase the risk of wear. Conversely, the friction will be too low if you opt for a GL-5 oil when you should have chosen a GL-3 or GL-4 oil. These are errors that in the long term can damage your gearbox.

Change your transmission oil, and environment theme

change manual transmission oilIf you want to change your transmission oil on your own, decide on the disposal of the old oil according to the same criteria as for engine oil. It is placed among the special waste, and must be disposed of in appropriate places in your city or your municipality. All drivers today need to be aware of environmental issues. If you do not dispose of your transmission oil in the correct places, you risk a very large fine.

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